Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Chris Matthews On Hardball

Chris Matthews on his show Hardball breaks down the Rove/Yellowcake/Plame scandal. More people should start to put the timeline in the mainstream media. The lies are all there to be documented. Bush lying about intelligence in Niger reporting Iraq's purchasing of yellow cake Uranium, Cheney repeating this lie over and over again. Rove and Scotter Libby trying to kill the messenger by outing Plame and the consistent lying by the White House that they had nothing to do with it.

This is not a small matter. These lies were used to start a war. This is not a situation where they can say "at the time we made the decision for war, these are the 'facts' we used". They were false back then! They all knew they were lies, too. Bush, Cheney, Rove and I bet even Colin Powell knew they were lying. So sad that their base does not care one bit about it.

Check the Hardball videohere.

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