Saturday, July 11, 2009

Constructionist Republicans: FAIL

For all those strict constructionist Republicans:
Please show me where in the Constitution it says the Vice-President may give an order to ANYONE, let alone the CIA.
Just like "financial conservatism" and "compassionate conservatism", their principles do not exist.

Cheney Behind CIA Concealment To Congress

I am on a cloud of vindication.

The New York Times reports that Dick Cheney ordered the CIA to withhold information from Congress.
The CIA "withheld information about a secret counterterrorism program from Congress for eight years on direct orders from former Vice President Dick Cheney, the agency's director, Leon Panetta, has told the Senate and House intelligence committees."

"The report that Mr. Cheney was behind the decision to conceal the still-unidentified program from Congress deepened the mystery surrounding it, suggesting that the Bush administration had put a high priority on the program and its secrecy."
I can't wait to hear more about this. Could it be Big Dick's executive assassination ring? Cheney truly is the most evil man in America. The conservatives' Unitary Executive Theory really was a disguise to give Cheney free reign to run the White House. Bush was just the gullible "face" of the mega-secret, Constitution-shredding, neo-con movement.

Four knowledgeable sources tell Newsweek that Attorney General Eric Holder "is now leaning toward appointing a prosecutor to investigate the Bush administration's brutal interrogation practices."
Pelosi vindicated. Liberals vindicated. Democrats vindicated. Let's see if we have the balls as a nation to bring this vile person to justice.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Sarah Palin's Speecher

Sarah Palin's speech writer, Dan Tubagoo. He needs a new gig.


Hannity Edits Tape, Then Uses Edit To Belittle Obama

Watch how college drop-out Sean Hannity edits out what Obama said, then used the edit against him in his disparaging, condescending summation.

Fox News has to spin everything so drastically, they have to edit out chunks of video. How can you watch their "news" and feel they are not doing this to every story. It's not news.

Is Obama An Assman?

This is the stuff Fox News loves. Using misleading pictures and half-stories to report their opinions and things that did not happen as fact.

But did they get busted checking a girl out? Obama maybe not so much, but Sarkozy does the full once-over. Classic. I'd be more upset if they didn't.

The Right Chimes In On Palin

Peggy Noonan at the Wall Street Journal methodically and thoroughly breaks down the GOP's "complete elite confection" that is Sarah Palin and the need to leave the mental lighweight in the dust, calling her the most careless sower of discord since George W. Bush:
"Her history does not need to be rehearsed at any length. Ten months ago she was embraced with friendliness by her party. The left and the media immediately overplayed their hand, with attacks on her children. The party rallied round, as a party should. She went on the trail a sensation but demonstrated in the ensuing months that she was not ready to go national and in fact never would be. She was hungry, loved politics, had charm and energy, loved walking onto the stage, waving and doing the stump speech. All good. But she was not thoughtful. She was a gifted retail politician who displayed the disadvantages of being born into a point of view (in her case a form of conservatism; elsewhere and in other circumstances, it could have been a form of liberalism) and swallowing it whole: She never learned how the other sides think, or why.

In television interviews she was out of her depth in a shallow pool. She was limited in her ability to explain and defend her positions, and sometimes in knowing them. She couldn't say what she read because she didn't read anything. She was utterly unconcerned by all this and seemed in fact rather proud of it: It was evidence of her authenticity. She experienced criticism as both partisan and cruel because she could see no truth in any of it. She wasn't thoughtful enough to know she wasn't thoughtful enough. Her presentation up to the end has been scattered, illogical, manipulative and self-referential to the point of self-reverence. "I'm not wired that way," "I'm not a quitter," "I'm standing up for our values." I'm, I'm, I'm.

In another age it might not have been terrible, but here and now it was actually rather horrifying."
Is this the liberal media bias Palin talks about? Rupert Murdoch's WSJ?

Source: WSJ

Palin: It's All About The Benjamins

Levi Johnston, keeping it real.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

When Failure Makes You More Presidential

More religious blind faith in GOP failure.
"Two-thirds of Republicans want Palin, the party's vice presidential nominee in 2008, to be "a major national political figure" in the future. ... Let me get this straight. The woman QUITS because of ETHICS complaints files against her by her CONSTITUENTS and that makes her MORE Presidential?

I knew the GOP was in bad shape but this is absolutely unbelievable.

Every single thing that happened to Sarah Palin, was caused by SARAH PALIN!"
In the end, this is great news for Democrats. The Republicans drape themselves in her failure, blinded by her MILF/Cougar looks. How else can you explain the devotion?

Source: The Immoral Minority

Christianists In Politics

The problem with Christianists is they have to make all the Bronze Age stories and metaphors be facts. Genesis is enough for them to explain the awesome complexity of the universe.

And the problem with America is these people get elected.
"The Earth has been here 6,000 years, long before anybody had environmental laws, and somehow it hasn’t been done away with. We need to get the uranium here in Arizona, so this state can get the money from it," - Arizona state Senator Sylvia Allen (R).
Discover Magazine points out:
"The irony, of course — and there’s always irony when creationism is involved — is that she’s talking about uranium mining, and it’s through the radioactive decay of uranium that we know the Earth is billions of years old."
The modern Republican love affair with creationists and their anti-science bravado is one of the biggest attacks on human intellect in centuries. Ignorance is not bliss, it's a waste of all our times.

Source: Andrew Sullivan

Panetta Acknowledged CIA Misled Congress

Does this really surprise anyone that the CIA "misled" Congress after all those visits to Langley by Cheney?
"CIA Director Leon Panetta told lawmakers in a recent briefing that the intelligence agency he heads misled Congress on "significant actions" for a "number of years," a group of Democrats revealed on Wednesday."
And to all the dickish conservatives and Republicans who went off on Pelosi:
"Nevertheless, the late-evening stories provide a boost to earlier claims from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that she was drastically misled by the CIA when it was briefing members about the Bush administration's enhanced interrogation techniques."
Let the Bush and Cheney crime trials begin.

Source: HuffPo

Monday, July 06, 2009

The Perceived Whine You Hear Is Palin

The Sarah Palin failure. When the bullshit you said a year ago makes you look like the hypocritical farce that you are. [Sadly this won't be the last we hear from her]

One year ago: you plow through the excess criticism, "work harder, prove yourself to a greater degree that you are capable", but don't whine like Hillary.

Now: you quit because your style of leadership is so horrendous and your vanity is so narcissistic and tragic, that leaving everyone behind who supported you is option #1, all the while whining about being treated unfairly.

What about the disservice it does to women you mention? Oh, those words were hollow and used to attack and mock someone else's character.

The video is from August 2008.

Source: Newsweek

The Sarah Palin I-Quit-arod

TIMES' Karen Tumulty reminds us of the quitting nature of Sarah Palin.

Source: TIME

She is a hick from Alsaka. No one is surprised the most flawed, mentally unspectacular, egomaniacal politician in America is quitting her job to cash in except her blindly-loyal base of stale and pale NASCAR/Carnie-folk hill people.

When Ethics Investigations Destroy

Listen to Palin's spokesperson, Meg Stapleton, talk complete batshit about why Palin is quitting/stepping down with Anderson Cooper.

Political Death In Alaska

Imagine this complete lack of commitment if she were VP:
"That explanation is lamer than the duck."
-- Alaska Daily News, on Sarah Palin's claim she was resigning because she didn't want to be a lame duck governor.

The "why bother?" work ethic that is modern Republicanism.