Friday, May 09, 2008

Net Neutrality I Can Deal With

As a user of the internet, net neutrality is a big issue for me. I do not want big companies deciding what is best for me. Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee John Conyers agrees with me and has introduced a new bill protecting the basic concept that would require U.S. broadband providers to operate their networks "in a reasonable and nondiscriminatory manner so that all content, applications and services are treated the same and have an equal opportunity to reach consumers."

Furthermore, "If we allow companies with monopoly or duopoly power to control how the Internet operates, network providers could have the power to choose what content is available," Conyers said in a statement.

The main difference between parties is that Democrats are for neutrality, Republicans are against it and want big business to shit on us and makes tons of loot.

Read here.

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