Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bush Administration Committed War Crimes

Abu Ghraib was a problem from day one. The US, through it's military, were torturing Iraqis. The Bush administration and enablers like Bill O'Reilly said is was not a systemic, top down problem, just a few "bad apples". They lied. A new Senate probe conclusively proves that Donald Rumsfeld and his senior lawyers began pushing for “harsh techniques” long before those infamous photos surfaced.

The report said:

"A Senate investigation unveiled today found that senior Pentagon officials began planning to use abusive tactics at Guantánamo Bay earlier than they previously acknowledged, borrowing from a programme that trained US troops to resist cruel interrogations.

New documents disclosed today show that lawyers in the army, navy and marines objected vigorously to the use of violent methods against detainees but were overruled by aides to the former US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld."

Add to that Major General Anthony Teguba. He’s the army general that led the investigation into the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. In the Senate report the general says, “there is no longer any doubt that the current administration committed war crimes.” Teguba's 2004 investigation documented chilling abuses at Abu Ghraib, is thought to be the most senior official to have accused the administration of war crimes. "The commander in chief and those under him authorized a systematic regime of torture," he wrote.

As you're rolling all this info around in your mind, think of the 1000s of pictures of US troops torturing the Iraqis.

So the reality is that war crimes have taken place, torture was OK'ed by Rumsfeld, anyone trying to stop it was removed. Bush has said repeatedly that the United States doesn't condone torture.

Who do you believe?

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