Monday, June 30, 2008

What Bush Does Best: Hypocrisy

A snippet from Michael Carmichael's article, Bush the Pot calls Mugabe the Kettle, "Undemocratic". In a stolen election by Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Bush knows how he feels firsthand.

"As the most unpopular president in US history now in the waning months of his forlorn presidency Bush frets and yearns for his place in history. With his presidency marred by an illegal war, stained by war-crimes, tattooed by torturers and infected with the historical equivalent of the AIDS virus, cancer and clinical insanity, Bush is now seeking a phantasmagoric form of presidential redemption. In recent weeks, Bush made his hand-wringing farewell tour of the globe to pose and plead on the world stage in the vain hope of redeeming his pathetic presidency.

With his hopes fading for an accolade that will redeem him from the dustbin of hated world leaders eligible for war crimes prosecution, Bush is feverishly pressuring nations in the Middle East to come to terms and make peace as hurriedly as possible. Even today, secret negotiations between Israel and Syria are unfolding against a backdrop of fretful presidential pressures designed not so much to make peace as to provide him with a terribly weak alibi for the carnage in the train wreck of his putrid presidency.

More here.

Great last sentence:

"Bush is now so self-deluded that he imagines that nobody in the world sees him for what he really is: a naked tyrant without one shred of democratic legitimacy to his name."

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