Wednesday, July 09, 2008

What They Will Never Say....

Paul Hogarth has a great piece up on Huffington Post about the media continuing to project the myth that the presidential race is close. It's not going to sell newspapers or make you watch CNBC, but the reality of Obama stomping Grampy McCain is not in the interest of the media. The media are fixated on a narrative of a close race and highlighting weaknesses. If you took a 4 month nap, you wouldn't miss anything when you woke up on Nov 5th to find Obama the President. Just like Barack had to fight Hillary to the end even though he was a the nominee months ago, the same goes with McSame. Make it sound close, make it sound like Democrats are divided.

From the article:

"Women and Latinos who supported Hillary Clinton are flocking to Obama, despite the narrative that Democrats are “divided.” State-by-state polls consistently show Obama on his way to surpassing 270 electoral votes — with hints that November could become a rout."


"A recent poll shows Latinos breaking 62-28 for Obama over McCain, with other polls showing similar results. When you consider that Bush got 40% of the Latino vote in 2004, it's obvious that Latinos are deserting the G.O.P. in droves."

The one thing about the next election you can count on, Republicans are going to get pounded just because of what Bush has done the past 8 years. It's just that simple.

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