Thursday, August 07, 2008

Obama Attracts Crowds, McCain Searches For Them

Now matter how you look at it, the Obama brand is much bigger and stronger for leading the US into the next stage, Post-Bush hellstorm. He raises money in a new way, he excites people, he unites them, he gets people to register to vote, he gives hope, he gets the world energized about our country. He is the new paridigm.

In order to keep up with the genuine charisma of Obama, who can get 200,000 people to see him give a speech, McLame must find crowds "to bask in the unwarranted limelight". So McLame heads to Sturgis to bogart a crowd of lawless, extremist bikers. I'm sure his $500 loafers were all the rage. These signs might as well have said "Bikers For The Old White Guy".

This exchange from Keith Olbermann highlights the difference between McLame and Obama:
OLBERMANN: Also, maybe a somewhat serious point contained in all this malarkey; on stage at Sturgis, he referred to the—preferring the roar of the 50,000 Harleys to 200,000 Germans cheering in Berlin. But in doing that, did he not underscore the fact that those 200,000 Germans in Berlin actually showed up to hear Barack Obama speak, but the 50,000 bikers on the roar of their Harleys, they had shown up at Sturgis not to see John McCain, but to see Kid Rock, Kelly Pickler and a bunch of female wrestlers and other women not wearing tops?

MADDOW: This is a critical and basic difference between the John McCain campaign for president and the Barack Obama campaign. Barack Obama creates large crowds when he gives speeches. John McCain‘s campaign has just figured out to find out where there‘s going to be a large crowd for another reason and to hope to slip their candidate in between other acts.

How out of touch is McCain? How desperate? He really counts on the room-temperature IQs of his crowds. I wonder if reformed-junkie Cindy McCain was looking to score some meds off the bikers?

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