Friday, December 26, 2008

Healthcare For All And To All A Good Year

Let the re-booting of America begin.
In Canada, the universal health care system is simply called medicare -- and that's what it should be in the U.S. And instead of the 1342-page proposal Hillary Clinton put together that was a politically jerry-rigged, confusing plan -- or the Obama proposal that would leave insurance companies pretty much intact (whose goal is to make money by reducing care as much as possible) -- it would be the simplest and boldest political move to simply propose to Congress this sentence to become law: "All Americans under the age of 65 will be covered by Medicare Part 'E.'"
This is far from solving all the problems with pharmaceuticals and lobbyists, not to mention cynicism, but this is the direction we need to be heading.

Critics always point out the flaws in otter countries' universal healthcare, why do you think we'll make the same mistakes here, why assume the negative?

Read on: Source: BuzzFlash

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