Monday, May 18, 2009

Rumsfeld's Renegade Unit Blamed For Afghan Deaths

Another news story for "shoot first, maybe ask questions later" Dumsfeld:

The Black Ops program spearheaded by Rumsfeld, MarSOC [Marines Corps' Special Operations Command] was behind at least three of Afghanistan's worst civilian casualty incidents.
MarSOC was created three years ago on the express orders of Donald Rumsfeld, US defence secretary at the time, despite opposition from within the Marine Corps and the wider Special Forces community. An article in the Marine Corps Times described the MarSOC troops as "cowboys" who brought shame on the corps.
At what point does "war crime" enter the conversation? Just because his cronies enabled him and Rummy sounds a bit enigmatic because he makes up the shit as he goes along, does not mean he is above the law.

Can you imagine a military group of Iranians driving through New York, opening fire on traffic and killing women and children? This would be unacceptable because Americans are seen as people. Civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan are seen as a kind of undesirable obstacle, getting in the way of the military somehow.

Are Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush that charismatic that they can get away with all this?

Source: The Independent UK

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