Saturday, June 27, 2009

GOP Family Values: FAIL

Charles Blow writes in the NYT op-ed about the moral failures of the holier-than-thou "family values" agenda and the current conservative movement:
"There are Democratic sex scandals to be sure, but Democrats didn’t build a franchise on holier-than-thou moral rectitude. The Republicans did. They used sexual morality as a weapon and now it’s shooting them in the foot."
It's also a reflection on the sanctimonious electorate, the Red States who destroy everything they hold so dearly while thumping their Bibles:
"And this kind of hypocrisy isn’t confined to the politicians. It permeates the electorate. While conservatives fight to “defend” marriage from gays, they can’t keep theirs together. According to the Census Bureau’s Statistical Abstract, states that went Republican in November accounted for eight of the 10 states with the highest divorce rates in 2006.

Conservatives touted abstinence-only education, which was a flop, when real sex education was needed, most desperately in red states. According to 2006 data from the Guttmacher Institute, those red states accounted for eight of the 10 states with the highest teenage birthrates."
It's always the biggest blowhard who is guilty of doing the evil he chastises. Instead of talking trash and condemning things you don't know all the time, why not lead a good life and shut up about it.

Source: NYT

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