Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Palin's "Always The Victim" Is Getting Old

Knocked out by Katie Couric and David Letterman:
"Indeed, if political figures stand for ideas, victimization is what Ms. Palin is all about. It is her brand, her myth. Ronald Reagan stood tall. John McCain was about service. Barack Obama has hope. Sarah Palin is a collector of grievances. She runs for high office by griping.

Like Oliver North, Robert Bork, and Clarence Thomas, [Palin] is known not for her ideas but as a martyr, a symbol of the culture-war crimes of the left.

To become a symbol of this stature Ms. Palin has had to do the opposite of most public figures. Where others learn to take hostility in stride, she and her fans have developed the thinnest of skins. They find offense in the most harmless remarks and diabolical calculation in the inflections of the anchorman's voice. They take insults out of context to make them seem even more insulting. They pay close attention to voices that are ordinarily ignored, relishing every blogger's sneer, every celebrity's slight, every crazy Internet rumor
," - Thomas Frank, WSJ.
And the same Republicans who will cry foul for her treatment as sexist, are the same ones who attack Hillary Cinton and Sonia Sotomayor and snicker at words like "feminazi", yet see Palin's quitting and dereliction from her duties as "noble". She is some how, in the inverted conservative world, stronger by being weaker.

Source: Wall Street Journal

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