Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Sex And The Married Politician

Paul Krugman from last week:
"It’s also notable that conservatives are, in practice, more forgiving of their politicians’ sins than liberals. John Edwards and Eliot Spitzer ended their political careers; Ensign and Vitter are still in the Senate, and Newt Gingrich is out there on the Sunday shows, speaking for the GOP. Why? Because where liberals see gross hypocrisy, conservatives see men doing the Lord’s work — which partially excuses their own failings. Liberals think that a man who has an affair is worse if he preaches moral values; conservatives think he’s better."
I guess that is the difference between democracy and theocracy. You can also add Larry "Wide Stance" Craig [and to a degree Ted Haggard] to the list.

Maybe Mark Sanford can stick it out. All he has to do is keep up with the bible-speak and pay back the trip to Argentina. A modern day Elmer Gantry.

Source: NYT


Anonymous said...

At he is not sucking a cock like Barney Frank.

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