Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Bill Clinton Takes Center Stage Again

Bill Clinton helps free 2 hostages from North Korea. After months in captivity in North Korea, journalists Laura Ling & Euna Lee arrive in Los Angeles.

Could you imagine Bush or Cheney doing something like this in 10 years?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could not imagine Bush or Cheney doing that, ever. But, unlike you, I consider that a good thing.

I think the more we ponder the Clinton trip, the worse it is going to be appraised. We have hostages in Iran. An American soldier is being held by the Taliban. Our allies have hostages in North Korea. So what conditions determined the spouse of the Secretary of State to make a special trip to meet demands imposed by the North Korean kidnappers to release their hostages? Had any of the other detainees in various other countries worked for Al Gore, would they have been accorded such visits (e.g., will Bill Clinton now go to Waziristan to meet the Taliban? Will he go to Tehran to meet Ahmadinejad?)?

Once we get beyond the emotional high of seeing two young Americans rescued from such a creepy regime, I think we are going to collectively sober up and realize that we just did what we always said we would never do: bargained for the release of hostages from terrorists. Think away the notion of North Korea as a legitimate government, and we are indeed left with begging a terrorist clique, at a critical time in non-proliferation talks, to release those they kidnapped for the purposes of humiliating the United States. What would have been the press reaction had Bush I been asked by someone like Boone Pickens to visit Pyongyang to free two of his company's kidnapped employees in North Korea with the complicit blessing of the Bush II administration amid talks about nuclear violations?