Tuesday, August 25, 2009

From Torture To Town Hall Loonies: The GOP Anti-Truth "Up Is Down" Mindset

The Bush/Cheney gift that keeps giving: always take the easy road, always expect the best possible outcome yet never do any of the work it would take to get there, never adjust your plan in the face of massive failure, deny all the evil shit you do, pass on all your mistakes to the next guy.

Lest you forgot about the torture programs masterminded by Bush and Cheney and their effects:
"The fact that we are not really bothered any more by taking helpless detainees in our custody and (a) threatening to blow their brains out, torture them with drills, rape their mothers, and murder their children; (b) choking them until they pass out; (c) pouring water down their throats to drown them; (d) hanging them by their arms until their shoulders are dislocated; (e) blowing smoke in their face until they vomit; (f) putting them in diapers, dousing them with cold water, and leaving them on a concrete floor to induce hypothermia; and (g) beating them with the butt of a rifle -- all things that we have always condemend as "torture" and which our laws explicitly criminalize as felonies ("torture means. . . the threat of imminent death; or the threat that another person will imminently be subjected to death, severe physical pain or suffering . . .") -- reveals better than all the words in the world could how degraded, barbaric and depraved a society becomes when it lifts the taboo on torturing captives," - Glenn Greenwald, Salon.
This quote is symbolic of the Conservative mindset we now see in the Health Care reform "debate". They don't hold themselves accountable to the truth and just let the lies flow, not really caring if they incite the lunatics out there. How barbaric the Right becomes when you lift the responsibility of speaking the truth.

It's time our society got back its morals as laid out by the current Obama Administration, the one that ended the torture era in American history. All you idiots screaming fascism, say that outloud, "Obama ended torure".

Now Obama is trying to end the division of America brought on by Bush and Rove and their trumped up culture wars. By mending the cultural wounds inflicted and sustained by the Right, Obama will improve and increase the way Americans care for each other.

Source: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/

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