Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Iraq Has Single-Payer Healthcare

Seems when you are starting a new country, you do things that are good for the country like provide guaranteed health care from day one.

The Iraqi Constitution, drafted in 2005 and ratified by the Iraqi people [and arguably filled with Bush puppets], includes state-guaranteed (single payer) healthcare for life for every Iraqi citizen. Bush's followers were very proud of the Iraqi Constitution, a model for the world, they told us.
Article 31 reads:
"First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The State shall maintain public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and health institutions.

Second: Individuals and entities have the right to build hospitals, clinics, or
private health care centers under the supervision of the State, and this shall be regulated by law."
Good thing our troops went over there and fought for Iraqi rights. Maybe they can come back home and fight for ours.

And as far as costs go, according to the Congressional Research Service, as of May 15, 2009 (Report 7-5700/RL33110) we have spent and/or authorized $864 Billion in military operations on Operation Enduring Freedom. Thank you Bush and Republicans for not really caring about spending all that money. It makes your current "responsibility" look so credible.


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