Friday, September 04, 2009

Red State Patriotism: "Hate The President, Son"

The same people that pushed Unitary Executive Theory and gave the President Bush over-reaching, law-crushing abusive power, the same people who believe America is the sole Super Power and should be a template for the rest of the world, the same people who live a democratically elected country all of a sudden don't want the current President anywhere near them.

The Conservatives' new fake outrage is Obama's speech to school children. As Steve Benen points out, partisanship has been brought to young children through their parent's inane fears and latent racism.
"But that's not what this is about. The administration not only edited the supplementary materials, but has offered to make the text of the address available in advance, just so everyone can see how innocuous it is. It's made no difference. Conservatives don't want school kids to hear a message from their president. Those who claim superiority on American patriotism have decided to throw yet another tantrum over the idea that the president of the United States might encourage young people to do well in schools.

This is what American politics has come to in 2009."
The Conservatives are so afraid of Obama they think one speech to their kids will wipe out a generation of Republicans-to-be. Ooooooh. Rational thoughts. So scary. Sadly, they have to use the classroom to make a political statement about an apolitical speech.

You may not have voted for him, but he is our President. You had no problem saying that under Bush's tenure. Funny how your consistency and fake Patriotism comes and goes, as per each talking point.

Source: Washington Monthly

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