Monday, September 14, 2009

Teabagger FAIL

Teabagger FAIL is reduntant, I know, but here is the picture from 1997 being passed around to hype their latest weekend freak-out.
"It appears that the photo was actually taken in 1997 at a rally for Promise Keepers, a group for Christian men. According to the group’s Web site, nearly 1 million people attended the event."
Nice that the current estimates of the crowd as reported by right wing blogs using the same exact picture are claiming 2 million jihadis teabaggers. Pete Piringer, public affairs officer for the D.C. Fire and Emergency Department, said the crowd ranged from 60,000 to 75,000 but “it was in no way an official estimate”.

Only off by 1,925,000.

However, their message of "Fringe Right Wingers Have Fringe Right Wing Ideas" was a resounding success. All hail the Muslim, Kenyan Fascist!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama Seeks Patriot Act Extensions

We anxiously await your response