Friday, October 23, 2009

Chuck Hagel On Target. His Party Shooting Blanks

Republicans don't want to make things better, they just want to destroy the opposition.
"As some Republican senators have said publicly -- that if we kill Obama on this, and we destroy this, and we defeat his, that will drive a stake through his political heart on this administration. I just find that about as irresponsible of a thing as I can think of."

-- Former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), quoted by The Hill, on the health care reform efforts.
This kind of stuff happens, you try to weaken your opponent, but usually there is an alternative position, not just the baseless attacks and fearmongering. Just goes to show how Conservatives stay on message no matter the popular opinion or facts. Just keep repeating the same BS.

Hagel was the last of the decent GOP. Too bad he is out of office. The party has lost its' way.

Source: PoliticalWire

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