Wednesday, November 04, 2009

A+B=Z Logic Of The Right On Health Care

Context on health care debate.

When people want to compare [pro or con] the US health care system with the British National Health Service [NHS], do they ever mention that the British government own all the hospitals and they employ all the doctors? For example, NHS provides 92% of healthcare in England through its 1,600 NHS hospitals and oversee 29,000 GPs and 18,000 NHS dentists. Only 8% use private health care.

This has nothing to do with American health care which is almost entirely private. Complete apples and oranges.

This whole "socialism" rant from the Righties about the Government takeover is so bogus. They love to predict a completely impossible outcome will happen to put the fear in their followers. A+B=Z logic implies if there is a public option on the insurance side, somehow, every hospital and every doctor will be transformed and owned by the Government.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

couldn't have said it better, man.