Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Loud Mouths Are Needed Sometimes

The Left HAS to be loud and as vocal as possible:
"We’ve seen how the right in this country gets things done today. They get on TV and scream out “DEATH PANELS DEATH PANELS KILLING GRANDMA”, and you know what happens? Rather than trying to explain themselves, the Democrats remove a perfectly reasonable part of their bill. Like it or not this is how it works."
At this critical moment, we need leadership and activism to get us back to real change. If not now, when? If not Obama, then who?

As Obama is fond of saying, “don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” We should start of with perfect, then settle for good. In this debate it seems that they started with the good and are now settling for the even less good. And if the left stopped “bothering” them on reform, they’d gut this thing even more.

Source: Daily Dish

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