Sunday, January 17, 2010

Frank Rich: The Great Tea Party Rip-Off

"Last week a prominent right-wing blogger, Erick Erickson of, finally figured out that the Tea Party Convention “smells scammy,” likening it to one of those Nigerian e-mails promising untold millions. Such rumbling about the movement’s being co-opted by hucksters may explain why Palin used her first paid appearance at Fox last Tuesday to tell Bill O’Reilly that she would recycle her own tea party profits in political contributions. But Erickson had it right: the tea party movement is being exploited — and not just by marketers, lobbyists, political consultants and corporate interests but by the Republican Party, as exemplified by Palin and Steele, its most prominent leaders.

Tea partiers hate the G.O.P. establishment and its Wall Street allies, starting with the Bushies who created TARP, almost as much as they do Obama and his Wall Street pals. When [Michael] Steele and Palin pay lip service to the movement, they are happy to glom on to its anti-tax, anti-Obama, anti-government, anti-big-bank vitriol. But they don’t call for any actual action against the bailed-out perpetrators of the financial crisis. They’d never ask for investments to put ordinary Americans back to work. They have no policies to forestall foreclosures or protect health insurance for the tea partiers who’ve been shafted by hard times. Their only economic principle beside tax cuts is vilification of the stimulus that did save countless jobs for firefighters, police officers and teachers at the state and local level."

Without the massive unemployment and historic financial meltdown left by eight years of Bush, the Tea Party movement would have no traction.

The radicals on the Right get to destroy the country then sit back and complain when the Dems come back in and do the heavy lifting. Big Business controlled all the Bush Administration decisions and now it controls the Tea Partiers, surprise, surprise. And just like Bush was a mental lightweight leading the Republicans last decade, we now have the "ghost-writer" intellect of Palin and the clownish Steele. All surface, no substance.

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