Tuesday, February 02, 2010

GOP Opposes Our Military Leaders

Where are the MSM and Democrats on this one? Need to pound this home.

"Obama has spent a year following the guidance of military leaders, and Republicans have spent a year breaking with the judgment of the military establishment.

It's a fascinating dynamic. On everything from civilian trials to Gitmo to torture, we have two distinct groups -- GOP leaders, the Cheneys, Limbaugh, and conservative activists on one side; President Obama, Gen. Petraeus, Secretary Gates, Colin Powell, Adm. Mullen, Adm. Blair, and Gen. Jones on the other."

Republicans never cared about the military using them like pawns, never giving them much needed armor or even a mission. Bush replaced everyone who disagreed with him. Cheney had six deferments.

They flat out abuse the military.

We are in two wars and Republicans oppose and openly reject what the commanders are saying. They are at odds with the military establishment and proud.

"Listen to the commanders on the ground" became a common adage in GOP circles during Bush/Cheney. Now you know that was bullshit.

Posted via web from liberalsarecool.com

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