Friday, March 19, 2010

AARP, AMA Announce Support For Health Care Bill

The nation's largest association of doctors and the AARP senior citizens' lobby are endorsing President Barack Obama's revised health overhaul legislation.

James Rohack, president of the American Medical Association, said Friday that the pending bill isn't perfect, but it's the next step toward real reform of the nation's health care system.

"This is certainly not the bill we would have written, but we cannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good," Rohack said.

Funny how a lot of FoxNoise fans who can't balance a checkbook, keep from maxing out their credit card(s), or figure their own taxes know *exactly* - to the penny - how HCR costs will develop for the next ten years, and exactly what medical care will be delivered, and to whom.

Republicans did nothing for 8 years except pass a Prescription Drugs bill it did not pay for. They now don't like the AMA or AARP because they endorse Obama. A bunch of do nothing cry babies.

They are just a bunch of misanthropes who hope everything bad they dream up will happen. They offer no positivity: it's all "this is going to destroy America". Competitive health insurance plans are going to destroy a robust, educated 300,000,000 people? I don't think so. It's all hype.

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