Thursday, March 04, 2010

Republican PowerPoint Stresses Fear, Hatred And Greed

So the little guys get the "Fear Package". They even call it visceral giving, which by definition means not intellectual, instinctive.

The big guys get the "Access Package" for their ego at the country club. Their greedy vision of government exploitation stresses that "we the people" only covers their corporations and profits.

Via Washington Monthly:

"Republican officials are, not surprisingly, scrambling to downplay the significance of the fundraising presentation, and hoping to distance Steele from the humiliation. But the damage appears to have been done -- when we peak behind the curtain, the Republican National Committee has no respect for its own supporters, and fully admits that it has little more than cheap and baseless fear-mongering to offer.

DNC Communications Director Brad Woodhouse said in a statement, "If you had any doubt, any doubt whatsoever, that the Republican Party has been taken over by the fear-mongering lunatic fringe, those doubts were erased today.... It's no wonder the RNC reacted with alarm when they learned the American people would see this presentation. This revealing document proves what the Republican party has long denied. But now, by their own admission, the express strategy of the Republican party is not to offer new ideas, but 'fear.' Republicans can no longer deny that they are peddling fear when they are literally selling it as their path back to power."

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