Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where Do You Deport US Citizens To?

For some perspective on how fucking crazy Republicans have come, ten years ago this month, Republicans were pitching an absolute fit about allowing Elian Gonzalez to go back to Cuba, demanding he be made an American citizen because… his mother almost walked across the border. Ten years later, they want to kick out Hispanic citizens because… their mothers walked across the border.

Cubans are a reliable Republican voting bloc and Castro needed to be denied political points, so Elian was worth the battle. Going after a much larger group of people could prove costly for the Republicans.

And when Duncan Hunter Jr, Republican candidate for US Congress in California's 52nd District, uses a phrase like "It’s within our souls" to describe people who he thinks are legally American, who exactly decides what an American soul is? Such arbitrary racial purity BS.

It figures a Red State like AZ who uses cheap immigrant labor to build their sub-prime McMansions, will be the one to tip the Latin vote away from the GOP for decades. Republican landslide in the Fall? Republican primary season is about to explode into a bigotry lollapalooza.

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