Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Beck The Regressive

"Whatever you think of Theodore Roosevelt, he was not Lenin. Woodrow Wilson was not Stalin. The philosophical foundations of progressivism may be wrong. The policies that progressivism generates may be counterproductive. Its view of the Constitution may betray the Founders’. Nevertheless, progressivism is a distinctly American tradition that partly came into being as a way to prevent ideologies like communism and fascism from taking root in the United States. And not even the stupidest American liberal shares the morality of the totalitarian monsters whom Beck analogizes to American politics so flippantly," - Matthew Continetti, Weekly Standard.

Beck would be the first person to use "fascist" to describe anything Obama does not realizing fascism is on the Right end of the political spectrum. And if Obama were a fascist, a dissenting voice like his would be silenced and his network would be shut down.

Beck proves you can have it both ways: you can be wrong in promoting your own causes and equally wrong in attacking your opponents. He opposes progressives because he is a regressive.

He's the stopped clock that isn't even right twice a day.

Posted via web from liberalsarecool.com

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