Tuesday, June 01, 2010

What An Oil Man Does During An Oil Spill

Be critical, but have some context:
The number of times President George H.W. Bush, a wealthy oil man, visited Prince William Sound during and after the Exxon Valdez disaster of 1989: ZERO. None.
W. learned well from Poppy.


Anonymous said...

It wasn't until Bush 43's two terms that the media (and leftwing bloggers like you) began to hold presidents culpable for many things that used to be attributed to tragedy, and also for things that are in large part the proper domain of local and state governments.

After Katrina — in which the mess was attributed to Bush rather than to the mayor of New Orleans, the governor of Louisiana, the miscalculations of generations of hydraulic engineers, and local communities’ lack of initiative — we were indoctrinated into the notion that “he,” the president, either fixes things or pays.

I guess the media, hurting after the 2004 election, either figured that a Democrat would not be president for a long time, or that nothing like Katrina would happen again, or that they, without much shame, could simply rewrite the rules of attributing culpability.

Douglas Vicenzi said...

As the post stated, this is about context to a disaster. You see an oil spill, I see 30 years of gutting regulations and oversight, mostly by Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43.

Why would Bush 43 put in a liability cap for oil disasters? Would an oil man want the oil industry to not be monetarily accountable for trillions in potential damage? I guess so.

And Katrina was a great example of putting your buddy in charge of FEMA who doesn't have a fucking clue. You just don't see it from any other perspective.

You say I'm re-writing history? Wake the fuck up, man.