Friday, July 30, 2010

NOAA’s Conclusive Report: 2000s Were Hottest Decade on Record - TechniPol

NOAA’s Conclusive Report: 2000s Were Hottest Decade on Record

“The 2000s, the “aughts”—whatever you want to call the first decade of the 21st century, you can also call it the warmest 10 years on record. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration just released its annual “State of the Climate” report, and after sampling 37 climate indicators including the biggies like sea surface temperature, glacier cover, and sea level, they came to that conclusion.

The NOAA report—published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society—is different from other climate publications, because it’s based on observed data, not computer models, making it the “climate system’s annual scorecard,” the authors wrote… “It’s telling us what’s going on in the real world, rather than the imaginary world,” said Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist at the Boulder, Colorado-based National Center for Atmospheric Research [National Geographic].”—Discover

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Warmest 10 years on record. Actual data, not computer models.

Sucks that certain people have to suspend empirical science to remain a member of the Republican Party. Sad.

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