Saturday, December 04, 2010

Elephants in the Room

there’s an MSM take on Republicans that strengthens the GOP: namely, that no matter what the party does, it’s a legitimate party interested in governance. It’s one of our major political institutions — it can’t ever be talked about as if it’s gone off the rails, as if it’s thuggish and deliberately acting in opposition to the national interest. Major political parties just don’t do that with malice aforethought.

Think about laundry detergents — all those well-established brands made for years by well-established companies. Now imagine that there was a change of formula that meant one of them — Tide or All or Wisk or Cheer or Gain or Fresh Start or whatever — was suddenly made with illegally massive doses of carcinogens. Imagine that this wasn’t a secret — it was openly available information — but it was never reported, simply because, well, Procter & Gamble and Sun Products and Unilever and the rest are fine, upstanding, well-established companies, so it’s just unthinkable that one of them would be selling dangerous products in the supermarket, blatantly and unashamedly.

That’s where we are with the GOP. The MSM simply can’t adjust its image of this venerable party. This venerable party can’t have become a radical cult.

-Steve M at no more mister nice blog

(Source: tennroof)

It’s all about the MSM propagating false equivalences. Republican ignorance does not equal Democrat pragmatism.

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