Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Getting The 60th Vote

"Successful governance is about getting 60 votes for things that move the ball forward. The people who tend to control the 55th through 60th votes on any given issue are not like you and me. They are driven by a baffling combination of raging egomania and crippling terror. They want to be treated like statesmen even as their decisions are based on a paralyzing fear of contested elections, primary challenges, Fox News and party pressure. They have few opinions on what good policy looks like, what opinions they do have on the subject change frequently, and they’re not willing to risk very much on them anyway."

Ezra Klein (via technipol)

The compromises used to get those votes usually waters down the Bill, making it less effective and curtailing the benefits to Americans. Sucks that we always lose our focus on these quasi-principled politicians who screw things up.

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