Tuesday, April 26, 2011

As Unions Go, So Does The Middle Class Incomes


Since 1980, a major goal of the Republicans and Conservatives was to break unions, deregulate markets, and exploit American workers, as well as, workers around the world.

They have succeeded. Domestic manufacturing jobs are gone. Teachers are viewed as the problem. Collective bargaining is being stripped from groups around the country. Income have shrunk.

What is the 30-year goal of progressives to get the American worker better wages?

What does a modern union look like? More social media? Better public relations? Easier membership? The cliches of the past need to be replaced.

Corporations and their lobbyists have an inhuman amount of power these days. The American worker needs a successful updated system to protect and enable workers to have a fulfilling lifestyle. The race to the bottom needs to end.

Posted via email from liberalsarecool.com

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