Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Republican FAIL

What the what?

Talk about absconding responsibility.  The GOP does not want to make tough choices, so they kick all the power to the Executive Branch.  The same branch they say is a socialist/Marxist/Kenyan and wants-to-destroy our country/economy. 

How do the Tea Baggers feel now that they have been taken for a ride? The deficits never mattered because the Chamber of Commerce and Wall St give the Republicans their marching orders.

Funny how no one saw how the default would have crushed the very same corporations the GOP depend on. Their financial backers were telling them that if they block the debt limit being raised, the campaign checks will stop.

Yet, it was always framed how Obama was weak. Well guess what? They got outmaneuvered again! The Republicans will get nothing from this stand-off but pissed off Tea Klanners, pissed off seniors, pissed off Independents, and pissed-off fake deficit hawks.

They made promises they said they would keep. That they’d never give in on.

Cowards. The lot of them.

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