Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Buchanan Calls For Impeachment


Every now and then Pat Buchanan takes a step out of line from the hypocritical right echo chamber and calls out the Pretzel-dent. His issue this time is illegal immigration and he thinks his right wing buddies in Congress should throw in a bill to impeach W to let him know he's not doing his job. Imagine that, calling him out for not doing his job? Hey Pat, take your pick! Not protecting borders is what Bush does best, here and in Iraq. Why should he change now, stay the course. He is the master of denying reality. He drives a car into a brick wall and brags he didn't blink. Asshole.

Maybe Pat can clue George into the fact that his "agenda" is really corporations backing changes to laws to benefit big business. How many Americans were hoping those bankruptcy laws would change? John Q. Public definitely wanted the "fresh start" program wiped away. Right?

Read Buchanan's article here.

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