Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Bush F*cking Over Africa

"To impose a dogma-driven policy that is fundamentally flawed is doing damage to Africa" states Stephen Lewis, the UN secretary general's special envoy for HIV/Aids in Africa. Our Pretzel-dent, Mr. Faith-Based, is letting the funding that supplies condoms and other HIV/AIDS treatments dwindle in much of Africa. Bush is using his quasi-religious reasoning here. People are suffering, but rather than help them, he would preach to them about abstinence. Somehow that makes his white, conservative, Pro-Life contingent in America happy. These "WWJD" bracelet wearing jack-offs have no true soul or empathy that comes within 1/1,000,000,000th of what J. Christ would be doing if he were around. But does this really differ from Bush's other attempts at bringing death and suffering to innocent people around the world. Iraq? Darfur? Even here in the US.

In Bush's world where Jesus is a blonde, blue-eyed English speaking Republican, Africa just doen't matter. Imposing his reborn Fundamentalist ideals that cater to ex-cokeheads and booze-hounds on a continent as diverse as Africa makes sense to W. He thought Africa was a country, afterall. Why would we expect anything beyond a second-graders knowledge from this guy.

Read the article here.

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