Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Cindy Versus George, The Bigger Picture

"I've met with a lot of [military] families. She doesn't represent the view of a lot of families I have met with."
-typical Bush response.

Does this really hold up? Talking to military families in a time when it's all-volunteer service people is a little construed. Of course they are going to do the patriotic route and not criticize. That's the military way. Do what you're told. But this point is arguable and I don't want to go down that road. What this really represents is the way the President does not refute what the accusations are, merely he tries to knock down who is saying it. And seeing how Bush will never meet or talk with anyone who had views different from his, I'm sure of the military families he has met with, they were all pre-screened as to follow the script. Not meeting with Cindy Sheehan is more than Bush meeting with one woman near his Texas ranch, it's the bigger picture of Bush not wanting to deal with opposing views and have to explan and defend his actions. Cindy = America. George has to confront America. I'm not in the military and I've not lost a loved one in Iraq, but she speaks for me.

So what Bush should really be saying is, "Of the pro-George Bush pre-screened families I've met with, the script they read back to me does represent what Cindy and more than half the country feels". As long as the reality he surrounds himself with is detached from the real world, why worry about dissenting views from the majority. And this bullshit about not wanting to meet with people on vaction as to set a bad precedent, what about ending your vacation early to help out Terry Schiavo? You blow, George.

Keep on keepin' on, Cindy.

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