Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Douche Bag Pat Robertson Issues Fatwah

So this is all not about Christians versus Muslims, right? When all these people say throw out the Geneva Convention because you don't have to act civilized with a bunch of head choppin' crazies, the right wing base gives it a big thumbs up. It's democracy, western-style, that they need forced on them. But now Jesus Freak Pat Robertson says it's OK to go against Commandment #6 as given to us by God and go all "gansta gansta" on Hugo Chavez of oil rich democracy Venezuela. You see, if Suadi Arabia sponsors terrorism and sends it around the world as Wahhabist rhetoric, you bring them to Crawford and hold their hand. If you're outspoken against Bush and his goons, you get the gas face like Hugo did.

I'm not saying Hugo is the greatest guy, but ask yourself this: If 14 of the 19 bombers on 9/11 were from Venezuela, would Chicken George have leveled Caracas by now or what?

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