Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Are We Brave, Are We Free?

The Pentagon has blocked testimony in the investigation regarding Able Danger, a program that identified Mohamed Atta, pre-9/11. Why we can't find out more information on a guy responsible for an event that the Republicans have used over and over again seems absurd. Even Arlen Specter can't believe it. What are they afraid of? We can't handle the truth? You know this is another example of shielding themselves from more blame, which would further show how much Bush and Co. screwed things up.

The Pentagon said Tuesday that it had blocked several military officers and intelligence analysts from testifying at an open Congressional hearing about a highly classified intelligence program that, the officers have said, identified a ringleader of the Sept. 11 attacks as a potential terrorist a year before the attacks.

Two military officers - an active-duty captain in the Navy and a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve - have recently said publicly that they were involved with Able Danger and that the program's analysts identified Mohamed Atta, the Egyptian-born ringleader of the Sept. 11 attacks, by name as a potential terrorist by early 2000.

The Pentagon had said that it interviewed three other people who were involved with Able Danger and who said that they, too, recalled the identification of Mr. Atta as a terrorist suspect. Mr. Specter said his staff had talked to all five of the potential witnesses and found that "credibility has been established" for all of them.

Full NYT article here.

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