Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Bush Agenda To Reimburse Religious Groups For Katrina Aid

So this is where your tax dollars are going. When people volunteer, which I thought was for free, you now get paid if you're a faith-based group.

After weeks of prodding by Republican lawmakers and the American Red Cross, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said yesterday that it will use taxpayer money to reimburse churches and other religious organizations that have opened their doors to provide shelter, food and supplies to survivors of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

FEMA officials said it would mark the first time that the government has made large-scale payments to religious groups for helping to cope with a domestic natural disaster.

How many mosques will get paid? How many temples? What about separation of church and state? Bush will do anything to get his Jesus Freak base to support him.

Read the WaPo article on it.

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