Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Frist Stock Scandal vs. Clinton's Whitewater Scandal

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn) sold all of his, his wife, and his children's stock in a HCA, a company his father started, just two weeks before earnings were reported and the stock tanked. Insider information? Maybe, but we know Frist is a liar because he denied knowing whether he owned HCA stock in his trust, despite his trustee contacting him at least three times in 2002, informing him of transfers of HCA stock into his trust. Moreover, Senate ethics rules require the manager of a blind trust to inform the owner if all of an asset is sold which it was. The guy lied, he made money off insider trading, then lied about it again.

Think back to when Hillary and Bill Clinton were involved with Whitewater and their alledged dealings. They set up an investigation into that that lasted years and cost millions of dollars, all to get nothing. Think about Martha Stewart. They fried her in no time for lying to a prosecutor. If lying gets you jail time, I think Frist should be heading to the cooler very soon. But it won't. Republicans don't care about white collar crime. Do you think Bush's buddy Ken Lay at Enron will ever see jail time?

LexisNexis article here on how the media ignored the story.

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