Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ambassador Crocker Is A Dick

Today, the Democratic Policy Committee held a hearing on the U.S. reconstruction effort in Iraq and corruption in the Iraqi government. Here's what Judge Arthur Brennan, the former director of the Office of Accountability and Transparency (OAT) in Iraq, had to say about Ambassador Crocker when asked by Senator McCaskill:

MCCASKILL: "And so, what we’re learning today is that SIGIR, the information we’re getting from SIGIR is not, in fact, always factual, that sometimes it is being spun by Ambassador Crocker and that it is your testimony today that Ambassador Crocker knows the level of corruption in the Iraqi government and has failed to be honest with the American people about it."

BRENNAN: "If he doesn’t know, then he’s negligent. If he does know, then he’s intentionally misleading Congress and the American public."

Complete story here.

Additionally, James Mattil, who worked with Brennan, agreed with Brennan’s assessment, blaming the Bush administration for failing to demand greater action on corruption: “It seems reasonable to conclude that the reasons are either, gross incompetence, willful negligence or political intent on the part of the Bush administration and more specifically, the Department of State,” he said.

So Condi Rice has been lying to us. She was a disaster as National Security Advisor and she is a disaster as Secretary of State.

Would love to hear what Karl Rove/Brit Hume/Bill O’s take on this is.

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