Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bush The Wuss Talks Shit About US In Foreign Countries

Here is what is wrong with former cokeheads who pose as tough guys. President Bush is the biggest pussy I can think of at the moment. He goes to a foreign country, Israel, and talks shit about people that are about to run this country.

He goes before the Israeli parliament and goes full douche bag and states that Sen. Barack Obama and Democrats favor a policy of appeasement toward terrorists. On the same day he is comparing Obama, and Democrats in general, to Nazi sympathizers for wanting to deal realistically with Iran, his Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, said the U.S. should engage Iran with “a combination of incentives and pressure.” Adding, "We need to figure out a way to develop some leverage . . . and then sit down and talk with them.” Read it here.

So the military guys say we should engage Iran. Bush the non-military guy talks complete shit and thinks he's some kind of diplomat for ignoring Iran. What would have happened if Obama went to Israel or Pakistan and talked shit about Bush? Such a double standard.

Lastly, what has Bush's policy done in the past 8 years? As far as Israel is concerned he ignored the Palestinian situation for the first 7 years and he has created more chaos and terrorism in that region than any other person. All while driving the US dollar into the ground. What a dick.

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