Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bush, His Grandfather Prescott And Nazis

I am not one to use the term Nazis to describe modern day politics. That was then, fascism was huge in Europe, it killed a lot of people. Got it. But when George Bush brings up his appeasement bullshit the other day, I began to give it a closer look.

Most people get that Bush is a dick. He spoke in Israel last week about the potential future President of the US, Barack Obama, and compared him to Brit Neville Chamberlain back in 1938. Now Chamberlain appeased Hitler and gave up half of Czechoslovakia, but Bush makes a massive jump by interchanging "meeting with" and "giving in to" when alluding to Obama talking with Iran. Because Bush couldn't talk with another world leader without flash cards, he naturally thinks you'll always lose. Like when Saudi Arabia tells Bush to suck their nuts or when Putin sells nukes to whoever he wants or Dictator Musharraf shields Bin Laden for years. While you're at it, add China fucking us and everyone they can in Africa to the list.

Enough set up. Here's what I see. You know Grandpa Prescott Bush helped finance the Nazis during WWII. His Union Banking Corp was seized by the US Government. Google it. So Bush is a descendent of a Nazi appeaser.

Now look at the way Bush runs his government. Gulags, torture, secret wiretapping, endless detentions, over-reaching powers, propaganda programs, secrecy. He leans towards fascism more than anyone I know. So you start to see he acts like Hitler. And what else do they have in common? Hitler came from Austria and got involved in German politics through the Nazi party. He was an interloper. Bush is from Connecticut and moves to Texas and enters politics through the Evangelical church. And as a guy who does not go to church, he is an interloper, as well. Hitler was pushing the Aryan race which was never a member and Bush pushes compassionate conservatism for which he has no true interest.

History will do the same to Bush as it did Hitler. At the time, German citizens were lied to and believed in what ole' Adolph had to say. Same with Bush. The lies were believable at first. But as the truth comes out, so will the fall of the Bush Era and the GOP brand. You never know, there may be trials for war crimes, as well.

And lastly, just take a step back. Who fought and beat the Nazis? A democrat in Franklin Roosevelt. He beat Japan, as well. He taxed, planned and completed the task.

Back then America was unified. A lot more than I can say for what Bush has done dividing people the past 7 years. Like him or hate him, Bush has divided us all.

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