Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yet Another Reason I Find Hillary Annoying

To be honest I don't mind her, I just like Obama so much much more. But in the past few weeks Hillary has shown her true colors and said so many dickhead things, trying to cast doubt on Barack. The "as far as I know he's not Muslim" was an example of this. She was an asshole for saying that.

Now we have Hillary conjuring up RFK's assassination in 1968 as a reason to stay in the campaign, knowing full well Obama has Secret Service protection due to threats, the earliest a candidate has had such consideration. Does she not see this is like saying, "I might as well stay in, Barack may get killed"? It seems pretty obvious.

So here comes the real dickhead part. The non-apology apology. From the NYT:

Instead, she issued one of those tedious non-apology apologies in which it sounds like the person who is being offended is somehow at fault: "I regret that if my referencing that moment of trauma for our entire nation, and particularly for the Kennedy family was in any way offensive."

This is the norm I guess. Just reinforces my impressions. I noticed she never apologized to Obama and his family in context to how most everyone would have interpreted the comment. Lame. Hillary, go to the store and buy a clue.

More here.

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