Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bush: Is It Possible To Get More Inexperienced?

Reflect on this:

President Bush said Wednesday that rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan is proving difficult as the wars rage on, and "we're learning as we go."

A few things popped into my head.
1. Learning as we go implies they did not know what they were doing at first.
2. To really learn, you have to admit mistakes, which Bush will never do, so you'll never really learn.
3. Can a Presidential candidate use "I may not know, but I'll learn as we go"?
4. Does inexperience count?
5. What are some real examples of what Bush and Co have learned?
6. Can rebuilding a country and engaging a country in a war happen at the same time?
7. How can someone who does not know anything be so confident about what and what will not work? [i.e. leaving vs staying]
8. What does he learn from getting rid of all the CENTCOM commanders in the Middle East?
9. Is this a disingenuous use of the word "learn"?

More broadly, what has Bush learned about issuing debts to China, the Palestinian situation, rising energy costs, shrinking dollars, housing foreclosures, failed foreign policies, climate changes, hiring cronies without skills, gay marriages, not asking tough questions, looking into Putin's eyes/soul, domestic natural disasters like Katrina, and on and on.

Bush is a lifelong C student, learning is not his strong suit. He is like the old guy that asks "can I get emails on the internet?" He really has no clue.

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