Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Hummer Is Done

What is the wimpy, pro-war idiot with the "I support the troops" magnets to do? His fake military gas guzzler is done.

Via Think Progress:

Today, General Motors announced that it will be closing four truck and SUV plants in North America and may discontinue its Hummer line, citing the slumping sales of large vehicles brought on by high oil prices. Sales of the Hummer were down 61 percent last month, and May was also the first month in which cars outsold the Ford F-series truck since 1992. In place of the Hummer, GM CEO Rick Wagoner announced that the GM board has approved production of a new small automobile and a new electric car. As CBS reported, Wagoner “said the change in the U.S. market to smaller vehicles likely is permanent.”

These cars always screamed "dickhead" to me. Good riddance.

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