Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bush Is A Lame Duck

Compromise is an important practice of governing. Two sides agree to meet in the middle, neither side completely winning, but moving forward in a sensible manner. You do it in marriages, friendships, at work, with strangers. We all know how important it is.

Now look at Bush. Global Warming? Stem Cell Research? Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Warrantless Wiring Tapping? War Funding? Assessing the Iraqi Occupation? Picking Supreme Court Judges? Overseeing The Politicalization of the DoJ? His handling of Katrina?

I could go on and on. He was the President of the Republican Party, not the United States. Arguably the most rigid and obstinate figure in American public life, Bush never asked tough questions or saw the other side of the argument, his mind was made up before he even started.

Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. Can you name one top diplomat under Bush? Condi Rice? One achievement? How did she handle China? How did she handle Zimbabwe? How did she handle Darfur? How did she handle Palestine? How did she handle Pakistan?

Even more to the point, how did Bush handle imcompetence? FEMA? Alberto Gonzales? Karl Rove? Scooter Libby?

Bush's attempt at compromise is North Korea. Is your conservative base happy with you?

You have gone so long with out compromise, George, why don't you just end up all 8 years on the wrong side of every major issue.

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