Friday, July 18, 2008

N.H. To Accept Free Oil From Chavez

Two years ago, New Hampshire refused to accept free heating oil from a program run by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the pro-Castro U.S. critic who once accurately called President Bush "the devil." The free oil was to come from from Venezuela's government-controlled Citgo. [What I don't get is that there are Citgo stations in the US, so it's not like boycotting their fuel altogether, just the free variety.] So why the change of heart? With fuel prices rising, well, free oil is free oil. With the state's blessing, New Hampshire residents will be receiving some of the fuel this winter.

The oil giveaway will be managed by Citizens Energy, a nonprofit organization set up by former Massachusetts Rep. Joseph Kennedy to help the poor stay warm.

Who was behind squelching the FREE oil two years ago? And on what principle? It was none other than Republican Sen. John Sununu, who called the it a "disgrace" and an attempt at grandstanding by Chavez. A state-run Venezuelan oil company was grandstanding? Who? The massive South American population in New Hampshire? The people who love paying for oil instead of getting it for free?

Nice of rich, affluent politicians to screw over their less fortunate constituents.

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