Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rachel Maddow Is Cool

From Air America to MSNBC, Rachel Maddow has arrived. "The Rachel Maddow Show" is replacing Dan Abrams on MSNBC and right in time for a lead up to the November 4 elections. She seems to always have the correct approach to the Right Wing hyperbole and calls out the conservative wing-nuts with the greatest of ease. Funny how holding people accountable for what they say is a new idea on TV these days.
"[S]he is determined to avoid the left-right pairings that sustain much of cable news. 'It creates fake balance,' she says. 'I'm sorry -- we're going to have a debate about whether or not the Earth is flat? It doesn't make sense to have a debate about whether offshore drilling is going to bring down gas prices. You know what? It's not. The fact that it's false ought to be reported, or you're advancing a lie.'"
This brings an end to the Cheney-era in US politics when someone just gets to spew freely, lie after lie, without being held accountable. I hope it also gets rid of useless debates like Creationism vs Evolution and Global warming vs Oil Company-backed deniers. This is bad news for the likes of John McCain who frequently forget what they say, attack opponents with the biggest of hypocrisies, and live in 7 glass houses as they throw stones. Veracity is a bitch for Grampy McSame.

Bush and Conservatives have assaulted intellect for 8 years. The use of fear on the under exposed and easily frightened was their calling card. Now that has all changed. The bar has been risen by the likes of Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann and other free-thinkers and that's a good thing for both sides.

WaPo article on here

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