Monday, September 08, 2008

Culture Of Life = Culture Of Embryo

What do John McCain and conservatives mean? This is a quote from McSame at the RNC:
"We believe in a ... culture of life. ...Government that doesn't make your choices for you, but works to make sure you have more choices to make for yourself."
This is their doublespeak for making abortion against the law, but keeping the death penalty legal. So if they make abortion illegal, and a girl becomes pregnant, she no longer has a choice of what to do. She has to have the baby because the government told her to. The government is making the decision for you. I have LESS choices to make. Their statement above is completely false.

Maybe you were raped, maybe you have health issues, maybe you are too young, accidents do happen. I can't imagine a more personal choice a person can make that is being decided on by the government. "Do I want this baby?", a decision between a man and a woman, is now, "I have to have this baby because the government, vis a vis, John McCain said I had to".

I am against abortion, I have never been involved with it, but I see it has a place and has been legally and safely used 40,000,000 times. It seems it has addressed an issue and remedied a problem over the 40 years since Roe v Wade. When conservatives say they want Government out of their lives, doesn't this open it up to the most intimate part of it?

And if the life is so important, why isn't the culture of that life important once it's born? They should call it what it is: culture of an embryo.

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