Friday, September 12, 2008

The Straight Talk Express is Busted, Over, Extinct

After skirting the direct question from reporter Robert Caldwell, of WCSH in Portland, ME, "What credentials does Gov Palin have in National Security", McCain, who admits to not knowing much about the economy, stumbles and spits out this gem:
McCain: I said the greatest challenge of our time is national security threats and I’ve also said jobs and economy is the number one issue facing America so, but the point is that Gov. Palin is right on the issues. She understands energy which is one of the fundamental issues of our security….She was right on Iraq, she was right on Russia….

Q: You say you’re sure she has experience, but again I’m just asking for an example. What experience does she have in the field of national experience.

McCain: Energy. She knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America..
Knows more about energy than anyone else? Really? Not just oil, but the entire field of energy. Wind, electric, solar, hybrids? I'm sure she can ramble for days on the benefits of green energy.

A small TV station in Maine has exposed the VP sham in one question.

Robert Caldwell's interview with McCain video here, very good

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